How to lose your client in 10 easy steps!

Ksenija Frelih
4 min readSep 12, 2022


image from Canva

Do you want to lose a client?

Do you want to watch your business go up in flames?

If your answer is yes, then this blog post is for you!

Just follow these 10 simple steps, and before you know it, you’ll have fewer clients and be poorer.

1. Talk about yourself too much.

Your clients don’t care about you; they only care about themselves. So make sure that every conversation is all about you and what you’re doing. Bore them with the details of your life, and they’ll be sure to find someone else who will listen to them instead.

2. Never follow up.

Once you’ve got a client, you can just sit back and relax because your job is done, right?


You have to nurture your relationships with your clients continuously, or they will quickly find someone else who will. So make sure to never follow up with them after an initial meeting or phone call.

3. Promise the world and deliver nothing.

This one is key! Don’t actually do any work for your clients; just tell them that you will and over-promise what you can deliver. Then, they’ll be so impressed with your grandiose plans that they won’t even notice that you never actually do anything for them.

4. Be completely inflexible.

This one goes hand-in-hand with number three. Once you’ve made a promise to a client, stick to it no matter what! Even if it’s clear that what they’re asking for is not feasible, just act like it is, and eventually, they’ll get frustrated and give up trying to work with you altogether.

5. Nickel-and-dime them at every turn.

Clients are cash cows, so make sure you milk them for all they’re worth! Charge them for every little thing, even if it should be included in your initial fee. They’ll soon get tired of constantly shelling out money just to work with you and move on to someone else who isn’t so greedy.

6. Ghost them when they need you most.

When a client reaches out to you during a crisis, make yourself scarce! The best way to lose a client is to ignore their pleas for help when they need it the most. They’ll quickly find someone else who is more responsive and capable of meeting their needs.

7. Play favourites.

If you want to lose a client, make sure to play favourites! Showing preferential treatment to some clients over others will only alienate the ones who feel like they’re being left in the dust. So sing someone’s praises to another client’s face and watch as the sparks begin to fly!

8. Badmouth your competition . . . or anyone else, really.

Badmouthing other businesses is unprofessional and will only reflect poorly on you in the long run. But if you really want to lose a client, go right ahead and do it! They’ll soon see that working with someone who talks badly about others is not worth their time or energy . . . not to mention their money.

9. Take forever to respond to them.

This one goes hand-in-hand with number two. Never follow up with them. After an initial meeting or phone call, If a client reaches out to you and you don’t respond promptly, chances are they’ll take their business elsewhere to someone who is more responsive.

10. Hire inexperienced people to work on their accounts.

Nothing screams unprofessionalism like hiring inexperienced people to work on a client’s account. If you’re not qualified to do the job yourself, then find someone who is and entrust the work to them.

These steps may seem easy. But trust me, if you follow them, you’re guaranteed to lose your next client in no time!

So there you have it!

Ten foolproof ways to lose your client in record time. So the next time you find yourself asking how to get rid of a client, just follow these simple steps and watch the magic happen!

Now get out there, put these tips into practice, and watch as your business crumbles!

I hope this blog post was helpful and gave you tips on losing your next client! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out!

Thanks for reading!

This post is exclusively for entertainment purposes, but nothing is stopping you from giving it a try. Cheers! 😊😊😊

image from Canva



Ksenija Frelih
Ksenija Frelih

Written by Ksenija Frelih

As a proud generalist and unapologetic polymath, I dance through the diverse realms of education, quality, and beyond.

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