Lately, I have received many rejections—a plethora of them.
It’s been hard to take in, especially regarding my business.
But the truth is rejection is a part of life. And no matter how much we try to avoid it, there are times when we can’t avoid it.
We all get rejected at some point in our lives, and sometimes it can feel like you’re going through a dry spell — or that everyone else’s success seems to be coming at your expense. But don’t worry: You’re not alone!
Here are some tips for dealing with rejection:
- Be honest with yourself about what happened and why it happened. If you didn’t get the job because of something you did wrong, then make sure you learn from your mistakes, so they don’t happen again! But if you didn’t get the job because of something outside of your control (like a bad economy), move on and keep looking! There are other opportunities out there for you!
- Don’t take it personally! It’s easy to feel like someone doesn’t want what you have to offer or that they’re rejecting YOU as a person — but more often than not, this isn’t true at all.
One of the hardest things about it is that we tend to internalize it as if there’s something inherently wrong with us. But really, rejection is just part of life — and it’s often not personal at all.
I am grateful for the experience and learned from it. Even if the project didn’t go my way this time, maybe there was some valuable feedback I could take away from it. Or maybe there’s another opportunity that will come up soon?
I’m sure you’ll figure out how to handle this situation soon enough — keep your chin up!
I will.